How to Track Campaign in Google Analytics?

by - 12:17 AM

The Definitive Guide to Campaign Tagging

A very warm welcome to all of you. In this post i will explain about manual campaign tracking in Google Analytics or how to tag news letter emails?

Actually many of my colleagues and friends had asked me about tracking a particular campaign manually, Now i am writing here the solution of all your campaign tracking related queries. Before moving forward you must know about campaign tracking or URL tagging?

Image Source: Google Analytics

What is Campaign Tracking?

Campaign tracking allows you to add UTM tracking code to your URL, also known as URL tagging.

Why we use URL tagging?

To identify how users are getting to your site for any campaign that you run. For example if i share a blog post on Facebook and want to know that how many visitors come from that particular post? Yes i can track that post the answer is URL tagging. You can track your Emails, News Letters, and other social media traffic from Twitter, Google Plus and many more.

How to tag campaign using Google URL Builder or How to track Campaign?

You can use Google URL builder to tag your destination URL. Google URL builder is a free tool provided by Google. The URL builder helps you add parameters to URLs you use in custom web-based or email ad campaigns. Below is the link for URL builder:

Setting up URL Tags

In the above url you will see a form containing 6 custom fields Website URL, Campaign Source, Campaign medium, Campaign Term, Campaign content and Campaign Name.

1. Website URL: You can put your destination URL in this field. for Example i want to promote this post URL using my Facebook campaign.

2. Campaign Source: Put here a source name like News letter2. In my case i put Junepublish

3. Campaign Medium: You can fill it with any medium like cpc, banner, email, googleplus, facebook, pinterest it depends on what medium you use to run your campaign. In my case i use here facebook

4. Campaign Term: In this field you can put a specific sale offer like 40% off. I will leave it blank in my case as i am not selling anything.

5. Campaign Content: You can specify here your products like watch, shirts, shoes, etc. For example if you are running an email campaign and design a perfect good looking page with various products like watches, shirts and shoes. You can track all the URLs by tagging them separately. You can put shirts, watches or shoes in campaign content field and tag the generated URL with it's relevant image. In my case i will leave this field blank.

6. Campaign Name: Put Your campaign name here. I will fill it with "oppoa37"

Now the generated url will be look like this:

This is how to track Facebook post traffic. Similarly you can track traffic for Google Plus post.

How to track Google Plus post traffic?

You can also build URL for your Google Plus campaign like this:

How to track Twitter post traffic?

You can also build URL for your Twitter post like this:

You can make your URL short using Google URL shortner:

Here UTM stands for Urchin Tracking Module. The generated URL exactly the same URL that is your destination URL.

Remember all fields are given in Google URL builder are case sensitive hence use only small letters with out any space as i did.

How to track Email Campaign?

You can track your email campaign easily by Google URL builder. If i want to run an email campaign for flat 40% sale on all products for my business website

and want to track the coming visitors for this campaign. I designed the email page perfectly with the products which are on sale like watches, shirts and shoes.

Image Source: The Digital SEO

In the above image you can track all products visitors separately using URL tagging. For this campaign the URL will be look like this:

Image Source: Google URL Builder

You change the URL settings according to your campaign and products. For shirts the url will be look like this:

Image source: Google URL Builder

Where Do I Find My Campaigns in Google Analytics?

To check your website visitors you must have a Google Analytics account setup for your website. It is easy and free to have an analytics account on Google. If you don't have Google Analytics account you can register it here

Now Login in to your Google Analytics account Select your business website and Go to "Acquisition" in left side. You will find "Campaigns" under Acquisition. Click on

"All Campaigns" under campaign. You will see all the campaigns that you run for your website promotion.

Image Source: Google Analytics account snapshot

Google will automatically pulls data from your campaigns using UTM sources. You can further digg for a particular campaign. If you want to know about how to measure conversions and ROI? Please visit my post How to set goals in Google Analytics?

Original Source: How To Track Campaign In Google Analytics?

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